آرشیو :
نسخه تابستان 1400
نوع مقاله :
کد پذیرش :
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
فاطمه محمد زاده
کلید واژه :
سازه ها، متغیرهای تاخیری، ساختارسرمایه.
Abstract :
The theory of capital structure offers two competing models of financing decision.In the trade-off model,firms identify their optimal leverage by weighting the costs and benefits of debts.In the pecking order model,firms finance new investments first with retaind earning ,then with debts,and finally with outside equity.The empirical literature provides conflicting assessment about how firms choose their capital structures.
We investigate the effect of delayed variable and factors that affect firm is leverage changes.For this purpose,we gather data from 122 firms in Tehran Stock Exchange,during 1381-1386 years.Then,the results of the average of the variables during a six-year period were centrally and annually tested.To test the hypotheses,the multivariable regression metod was applied to measure the impact of the independent variable involved herein on the relevant financial axis.Regarding the results of the present research,the factors of productivity in resent years has a vice-vers relation with the capital structure of a company.More over such a relation is statistically strong and influenchal.Ttere fore,the results of the present research verify the theory of financing choices hierarchy and reject the constant or fixed balancing.
key words :
Structures, Delayed Variables, Capital Structure
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 36-49
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