آرشیو :
نسخه تابستان 1400
نوع مقاله :
کد پذیرش :
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
فاطمه محمد زاده
کلید واژه :
مدیریت سود، بررسی تاثیر ساختار مالکیت، اندازه شرکت، سودآوری آتی.
Abstract :
The recent scandals at the Enron، worldcom and other u.s.a companies caused to excite general feelness of the community. therefor the public believe that the acted earnings management by the managers of companies tends toward the opportunistic earning management، for enlarging their privat benefits .
The aime of the study is to inspect type of acted earning management (opportunistically or efficient earning management ) and effective of the ownership structure and firm size on the next prediction of the accepted companies in the stok exehange . also to eager capitalist to capitalize Acording companies situations in the opinion of the presented informations in the prediction of the future profitability .
From 321 accepted companies in Thehran stock exchange befor 2003، 99 companies in 2004 – 2007 were selected and examined by the multiple regressions . the variables of study including : discretionary accruals، non discretionary accruals ، institutional ownership، family ownership، frim size and future profitability .
The finds of the study refer to that the Type of acted earning management by the accepted companies in the stock exchange tends toward efficient earning management . Also there is positive relation ship between firm size and prediction of the future profitability and there is Negative relationship between family ownership and prediction of the future profitability . there is not evidence abaut effective of institutional owner ship Stracture on the prediction of the future profitability .
key words :
Earnings Management, Inspecting Effect of Ownership Structure, Firm Size, Future Profitability
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 1-13
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